Google Owns Over 100 Companies Designed To Operate Coups and Election Rigging. Meet "CrowdStrike"

Another Way That Google Rigs Elections: Crowdstrike

a desire to push the narrative that Russia hacked the DNC, irrespective of the facts.

The whole things gets even more disturbing the more you look.

For example, Counterpunch put out a very important article earlier today on the topic, adding several crucial nuggets of information.

First there’s this:

The investigation methods used to come to the conclusion that the Russian Government led the hacks of the DNCClinton Campaign Chair John Podesta, and the DCCC were further called into question by a recent BuzzFeed report by Jason Leopold, who has developed a notable reputation from leading several non-partisan Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for investigative journalism purposes. On March 15 that the Department of Homeland Security released just two heavily redacted pages of unclassified information in response to an FOIA request for definitive evidence of Russian election interference allegations. Leopold wrote, “what the agency turned over to us and Ryan Shapiro, a PhD candidate at MIT and a research affiliate at Harvard University, is truly bizarre: a two-page intelligence assessment of the incident, dated Aug. 22, 2016, that contains information DHS culled from the internet. It’s all unclassified — yet DHS covered nearly everything in wide swaths of black ink. Why? Not because it would threaten national security, but because it would reveal the methods DHS uses to gather intelligence, methods that may amount to little more than using Google.”

That’s weird enough, but it gets far stranger. For example:

In lieu of substantive evidence provided to the public that the alleged hacks which led to Wikileaks releases of DNC and Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta’s emails were orchestrated by the Russian Government, CrowdStrike’s bias has been cited as undependable in its own assessment, in addition to its skeptical methods and conclusions. The firm’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments that is funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
In 2013, the Atlantic Council awarded Hillary Clinton it’s Distinguished International Leadership Award. In 2014, the Atlantic Council hosted one of several events with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who took over after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in early 2014, who now lives in exile in Russia.

Recall that the FBI was denied access to the DNC servers by the DNC itself, and simply agreed to rely on the results provided by CrowdStrike, which as you can see has ties to all sorts of anti-Russia organizations and individuals. I find it absolutely remarkable that James Comey head of the FBI outsourced his job to CrowdStrike.

There remains zero evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. I repeat, there remains zero evidence that Russia hacked the DNC.

As cybersecurity expert Jeffrey Carr noted:

Jeffrey Carr called the FBI/Department of Homeland Security Report, the only alleged evidence released by intelligence officials, released in late December 2016 a “fatally flawed effort” that provided no evidence to substantiate the claims that the Russian government conducted the hacks, though that’s what it was purported to do.

Absolutely remarkable, but there’s more. As TechCrunch reported back in 2015:

If you need proof that security is a red hot market these days, how about this morning’s announcement that cybersecurity company CrowdStrike landed a $100 million Series C investment round?
The round was led by Google Capital with Rackspace, which happens to be one of the company’s customers also investing. Existing investors Accel and Warburg Pincus also participated. Today’s investment brings the total to-date to $156 million.

Why do I find it interesting that Google was a major investor in CrowdStrike? Well for one, we know that Chairman of Alphabet, Inc. (Google’s parent company), Eric Schmidt, was actively working to help the Hillary campaign. As I highlighted in the 2015 post,Meet “Groundwork” – Google Chairman Eric Schmidt’s Stealth Startup Working to Make Hillary Clinton President:

An under-the-radar startup funded by billionaire Eric Schmidt has become a major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, underscoring the bonds between Silicon Valley and Democratic politics.
The Groundwork, according to Democratic campaign operatives and technologists, is part of efforts by Schmidt—the executive chairman of Google parent-company Alphabet—to ensure that Clinton has the engineering talent needed to win the election. And it is one of a series of quiet investments by Schmidt that recognize how modern political campaigns are run, with data analytics and digital outreach as vital ingredients that allow candidates to find, court, and turn out critical voter blocs.
There is also another gap in play: The shrinking distance between Google and the Democratic Party. Former Google executive Stephanie Hannon is the Clinton campaign’s chief technology officer, and a host of ex-Googlers are currently employed as high-ranking technical staff at the Obama White House. Schmidt, for his part, is one of the most powerful donors in the Democratic Party—and his influence does not stem only from his wealth, estimated by Forbes at more than $10 billion.
According to campaign finance disclosures, Clinton’s campaign is the Groundwork’s only political client. Its employees are mostly back-end software developers with experience at blue-chip tech firms like Netflix, Dreamhost, and Google.

Since Democrats seem so obsessed with the saying these days, “where there’s smoke there’s fire,” and there’s plenty of smoke here.

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In Liberty,
Michael Krieger


Google's stock rating downgraded as YouTube ad boycott contagion goes global

Advertisers, please help us build a better swamp

21 Mar 2017 at 13:34, Andrew Orlowski

Google has responded to a contagious YouTube advertising boycott which yesterday prompted a downgrade on Wall Street.

Pivotal Research Group downgraded Alphabet shares from "Buy" to "Hold" based on its response to the boycott, which now includes more than 200 big brands, as well as public sector ad spending. Marks & Spencer and Hargreaves Lansdown became the latest to hit pause yesterday.

The boycott follows a series of reports in The Times demonstrating that Google was running advertisements promoting big brands against jihadi and racist videos on YouTube, the world's second most popular website after Google's search page. Like so:

Source: The Times

The boycott has rapidly gone global [paywalled]. The UK is Google's second largest market after the USA, bringing in 9 per cent of Alphabet's revenue, and the only territory where Google breaks out revenue in its financial statements.

Pivotal's Brian Wieser explained he'd taken the decision because Google wasn't taking the problem seriously, and accused it of "attempting to minimize the problem rather than eliminating it, which is the standard we think that many large brand advertisers expect".

It's four years since Google's Theo Bertram promised to "drain the swamp". What's in the latest evacuation?

In a post titled 'Expanded safeguards for advertisers', Philipp Schindler, Google's chief business officer, reiterated a commitment to give spenders more control over where their ads appear. Schindler euphemistically refers to "higher risk content".

Promises include a pledge to tighten up the threshold for "acceptable content" and make exclusions easier.

Speaking at an advertising conference yesterday, Google's European boss Matt Brittin walked a fine line. He simultaneously accepted that "we take responsibility for it" while points out that it wasn't entirely to blame: agencies and brands didn't always "fully" use the controls that Google offered.

Conspicuously absent from the post is any promise about filtering and content removal. The Times team flagged six "virulently antisemitic" videos on YouTube last week but Google ignored the notifications, and left two up even after the newspaper had contacted it again.

Despite strong growth from what Google classifies as "other revenue" (the Android Play Store and cloud licensing), most of Google's income is derived from advertising. "Other revenue" brought home $10.08bn in FY 2016 while advertising brought the bulk of Alphabet's income, $79.3bn. What the company calls "Other Bets" – a category including Nest home equipment and Google Fiber – grossed just $809m but incurred huge losses.

Inappropriate matching isn't the only mortal threat to Alphabet's cash cow. By the company's own research, 52 per cent of its ads are never seen by humans. Read more here. ®

San Mateo County, Jackie Speier and voters want to know

why rogue spy agency In-Q-Tel and Vinod Khosla are abusing

the privacy of every voter in the State?

Khosla Ventures and a tiny company that was caught with “five tons of cocaine” per DEA and FCC files, on it’s airplanes; co-fund a huge number of other companies that violate the most intimate privacies of the citizens of California. IN-Q-TEL has been covered by the Corbett and Drudge Report’s as a “band of sociopath technologists who seek to mind-rape anybody with an electronic device.”

Vinod Khosla is under fire for taking over one of California’s most pristine public beaches in order to turn the beach, and it’s attached village, into some kind of “billionaire’s beach compound for spies, politicians and elites”. One visualizes something like Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Sex Island” which featured prominently in the 2016 election failure of Khosla’s friend: Hillary Clinton. Were Khosla’s rogue spy-tech companies being used to create “bots” and election rigging technologies? The investigations continue, but, in this report by Olivia Russell, one can easily see that the Khosla and In-Q-Tel tech companies are abusing the public in ways that defy your worst nightmares:

Google's Eric Schmidt’s Rogue CIA Outfit Wants To Rape Your Mind


Posted by  Olivia Russell

SOFT ROBOTS THAT can grasp delicate objects, computer algorithms designed to spot an “insider threat,” and artificial intelligence that will sift through large data sets — these are just a few of the technologies being pursued by companies with investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm, according to a document obtained by The Intercept.

Yet among the 38 previously undisclosed companies receiving In-Q-Tel funding, the research focus that stands out is social media mining and surveillance; the portfolio document lists several tech companies pursuing work in this area, including Dataminr, Geofeedia, PATHAR, and TransVoyant.

In-Q-Tel’s investment process.

Screen grab from In-Q-Tel’s website.

Those four firms, which provide unique tools to mine data from platforms such as Twitter, presented at a February “CEO Summit” in San Jose sponsored by the fund, along with other In-Q-Tel portfolio companies.

The investments appear to reflect the CIA’s increasing focus on monitoring social media. Last September, David Cohen, the CIA’s second-highest ranking official, spoke at length at Cornell University about a litany of challenges stemming from the new media landscape. The Islamic State’s “sophisticated use of Twitter and other social media platforms is a perfect example of the malign use of these technologies,” he said.

Social media also offers a wealth of potential intelligence; Cohen noted that Twitter messages from the Islamic State, sometimes called ISIL, have provided useful information. “ISIL’s tweets and other social media messages publicizing their activities often produce information that, especially in the aggregate, provides real intelligence value,” he said.

The latest round of In-Q-Tel investments comes as the CIA has revamped its outreach to Silicon Valley, establishing a new wing, the Directorate of Digital Innovation, which is tasked with developing and deploying cutting-edge solutions by directly engaging the private sector. The directorate is working closely with In-Q-Tel to integrate the latest technology into agency-wide intelligence capabilities.

Dataminr directly licenses a stream of data from Twitter to spot trends and detect emerging threats.

Screen grab from Dataminr’s website.

Dataminr directly licenses a stream of data from Twitter to visualize and quickly spot trends on behalf of law enforcement agencies and hedge funds, among other clients.

Geofeedia collects geotagged social media messages to monitor breaking news events in real time.

Screen grab from Geofeedia’s website.

Geofeedia specializes in collecting geotagged social media messages, from platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, to monitor breaking news events in real time. The company, which counts dozens of local law enforcement agencies as clients, markets its ability to track activist protests on behalf of both corporate interests and police departments.

PATHAR mines social media to determine networks of association.

Screen grab from PATHAR’s website.

PATHAR’s product, Dunami, is used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to “mine Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media to determine networks of association, centers of influence and potential signs of radicalization,” according to an investigation by Reveal.

TransVoyant analyzes data points to deliver insights and predictions about global events.

Screen grab from TransVoyant’s website.

TransVoyant, founded by former Lockheed Martin Vice President Dennis Groseclose, provides a similar service by analyzing multiple data points for so-called decision-makers. The firm touts its ability to monitor Twitter to spot “gang incidents” and threats to journalists. A team from TransVoyant has worked with the U.S. military in Afghanistan to integrate data from satellites, radar, reconnaissance aircraft, and drones.

Dataminr, Geofeedia, and PATHAR did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Heather Crotty, the director of marketing at TransVoyant, acknowledged an investment from In-Q-Tel, but could not discuss the scope of the relationship. In-Q-Tel “does not disclose the financial terms of its investments,” Crotty said.

Carrie A. Sessine, the vice president for external affairs at In-Q-Tel, also declined an interview because the fund “does not participate in media interviews or opportunities.”

Over the last decade, In-Q-Tel has made a number of public investments in companies that specialize in scanning large sets of online data. In 2009, the fund partnered with Visible Technologies, which specializes in reputation management over the internet by identifying the influence of “positive” and “negative” authors on a range of platforms for a given subject. And six years ago, In-Q-Tel formed partnerships with NetBase, another social media analysis firm that touts its ability to scan “billions of sources in public and private online information,” and Recorded Future, a firm that monitors the web to predict events in the future.

Unpublicized In-Q-Tel Portfolio Companies





3D vision software solutions



Decentralized mobile network



Hybrid cloud management platform



On-demand, automated infrastructure security



Cloud-hosted big data analytics and processing platform



Situational awareness and analysis at the speed of social media



Open platform to build, ship, and run distributed applications



Next-generation electronically scanning radar systems


Epiq Solutions

Software-defined radio platforms and applications



Location-based social media monitoring platform



Alternate network for off-grid smartphone communications



Network-focused approach to improving mobile application performance



Inside threat detection using analytics, machine learning, and big data



Fast, simple, and secure contactless data transfer



Antenna technology for broadband satellite communications



Cloud-based mobile cybersecurity



Design and publish visual, data-rich maps



Next-generation scale, efficiency, and automation in a physical or cloud-based data center



Next-generation machine learning platform


Orbital Insight

Satellite imagery processing and data science at scale


Orion Labs

Wearable device and real-time voice communications platform


Parallel Wireless

LTE radio access nodes and software stack for small cell deployment



Channel-specific social media analytics platform



Mobile material handling solutions to automate tasks



Redefined ultra-low power wireless sensor solutions



Build and scale real-time apps


Rocket Lab

Launch provider for small satellites


Skincential Sciences

Novel materials for biological sample collection


Soft Robotics

Soft robotics actuators and systems



Software supply chain automation and security


Spaceflight Industries

Small satellite launch, network, and imagery provider



Leading enterprise-class threat intelligence platform

Accessible code-driven analysis platform


Transient Electronics

Dissolvable semiconductor technology



Live predictive intelligence platform


TRX Systems

3D indoor location and mapping solutions



SaaS platform for advanced battery analysis



Big data exploration, visualization, and analytics platform


Bruce Lund, a senior member of In-Q-Tel’s technical staff, noted in a 2012 paper that “monitoring social media” is increasingly essential for government agencies seeking to keep track of “erupting political movements, crises, epidemics, and disasters, not to mention general global trends.”

The recent wave of investments in social media-related companies suggests the CIA has accelerated the drive to make collection of user-generated online data a priority. Alongside its investments in start-ups, In-Q-Tel has also developed a special technology laboratory in Silicon Valley, called Lab41, to provide tools for the intelligence community to connect the dots in large sets of data.

In February, Lab41 published an article exploring the ways in which a Twitter user’s location could be predicted with a degree of certainty through the location of the user’s friends. On Github, an open source website for developers, Lab41 currently has a project to ascertain the “feasibility of using architectures such as Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks to classify the positive, negative, or neutral sentiment of Twitter messages towards a specific topic.”

Collecting intelligence on foreign adversaries has potential benefits for counterterrorism, but such CIA-supported surveillance technology is also used for domestic law enforcement and by the private sector to spy on activist groups.

Palantir, one of In-Q-Tel’s earliest investments in the social media analytics realm, was exposed in 2011 by the hacker group LulzSec to be in negotiation for a proposal to track labor union activists and other critics of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying group in Washington. The company, now celebrated as a “tech unicorn” — a term for start-ups that reach over $1 billion in valuation — distanced itself from the plan after it was exposed in a cache of leaked emails from the now-defunct firm HBGary Federal.

Cover of the document obtained by The Intercept.

Yet other In-Q-Tel-backed companies are now openly embracing the practice. Geofeedia, for instance, promotes its research into Greenpeace activists, student demonstrations, minimum wage advocates, and other political movements. Police departments in Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, and other major municipalities have contracted with Geofeedia, as well as private firms such as the Mall of America and McDonald’s.

Lee Guthman, an executive at Geofeedia, told reporter John Knefel that his company could predict the potential for violence at Black Lives Matter protests just by using the location and sentiment of tweets. Guthman said the technology could gauge sentiment by attaching “positive and negative points” to certain phrases, while measuring “proximity of words to certain words.”

Privacy advocates, however, have expressed concern about these sorts of automated judgments.

When you have private companies deciding which algorithms get you a so-called threat score, or make you a person of interest, there’s obviously room for targeting people based on viewpoints or even unlawfully targeting people based on race or religion,” said Lee Rowland, a senior staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union.

She added that there is a dangerous trend toward government relying on tech companies to “build massive dossiers on people” using “nothing but constitutionally protected speech.”

Author : Lee Fang

Source :




With Data From By Peter Stone and Greg Gordon and modifications by WikiPedia writers

Investigators are examining whether Google’s far-left news site manipulation played any role last year in a 2008 cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories — some fictional — that favored Obama’s and Clinton’s presidential bid, people familiar with the inquiry say.

Operatives for Google/Soros appear to have strategically timed the computer commands, known as “bots,” to blitz social media with links to the pro-left stories at times when the multi-billionaire Silicon Valley Cartel of businessmen were on the defensive in the Presidential races these sources said.

The bots’ end products were largely millions of Twitter and Facebook posts carrying links to stories on lefty internet sites such as Huffpo News and CNN, as well as on the Soros-backed Move-on and Black Lives Matter News, the sources said. Some of the stories were false or mixed fact and fiction, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bot attacks are part of an FBI-led investigation into a multifaceted Google-based operation to influence multiple year’s elections.

Investigators examining the bot attacks are exploring whether the far-left news operations took any actions to assist Soros’s operatives. Their participation, however, wasn’t necessary for the bots to amplify their news through Twitter and Facebook.

The investigation of the bot-engineered traffic, which appears to be in its early stages, is being driven by the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, whose inquiries rarely result in criminal charges and whose main task has been to reconstruct the nature of the Soros’s cyber attack and determine ways to prevent another.

An FBI spokesman declined to comment on the inquiry into the use of bots.

Soros-generated bots are one piece of a cyber puzzle that counterintelligence agents have sought to solve for nearly a year to determine the extent of the Deep State government’s electronic broadside.

This may be one of the most highly impactful information operations in the history of intelligence,” said one former U.S. intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Some on the House Intelligence Committee, one of multiple congressional panels examining Soros’s intervention, said that there was “circumstantial evidence of collusion.” There also is “direct evidence . . . of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation,”

As for the bots, they carried links not only to news stories but also to Soros driven propaganda.

As an example, bots had spread links to try to sell the lie that the stories that accused Democratic leaders of not having involvement in running a child-sex ring in the basement of a Washington pizza parlor were off in base. In fact, the FBI has now arrested large numbers of pedophiles associated with the Democratic party. Over 40 Democratic registered Disney employees were arrested on underage sex charges. PizzaGate is no lie and the huge numbers of arrests prove that Democrats love underage sex abuse.

The study of bot-generated Twitter traffic during Obama’s campaign debates showed that bot messages favorable to Obama significantly outnumbered those sympathetic to his opposition and they were controlled by Google.

Research showed that Americans who call themselves “patriotic programmers” also activated bots to aid Obama and Clinton. In interviews, they described coding the computer commands in their spare time.

Counterintelligence investigators with more cyber-sleuthing capabilities, have established that Soros and Google were the source of the bot attacks which favored Obama and Clinton and sought to rig their elections.

Soros and Elon Musk also used “trolls,” hundreds of computer operatives who pretended to be Lefty or Tesla supporters and posted stories or comments on the internet complimentary to Obama, Musk or Clinton or disparaging to Trump. Sources close to the inquiry said those operatives likely worked from a facility in St. Petersburg, dedicated to that tactic.

Soros bots and Google internet trolls sought to propagate stories underground,” said a former senior Pentagon official during the Obama administration whose job focused on Memes. “Those stories got amplified by fringe elements of our media like CNN.”

They very carefully timed release of information to shift the news cycle away from stories that clearly hurt Mr. Obma, such as his inappropriate conduct over the years,” he said, referring to Obama’s epic scandals in which Obama bragged about grabbing taxpayers cash for his Silicon Valley crony’s. That event corresponded with a surge in bot-related traffic spreading anti-Trump stories.

An additional Soros tool was the news from its prime propaganda machine, CNN with a global television and digital media operation and a U.S. arm alongside pro-immigrant Univision.

Last Nov. 19, Breitbart announced that its website traffic had set a record the previous 31 days with 300 million page views, driven substantially by social media.

Breitbart, which has drawn criticism for pursuing a nationalist agenda, was formerly led by Stephen Bannon, who became chief executive officer of Trump’s election campaign last August and now serves as Trump’s strategic adviser in the White House. The news site’s former national security editor, Sebastian Gorka, was a national security adviser to Trump’s campaign and presidential transition team. He now works as a key Trump counterterrorism adviser.

Breitbart’s chief executive officer, Larry Solov, did not respond to phone and email requests seeking comment but privately many think they have the feeling that Solov feels that Obama and Clinton were smooth mobsters who raped the taxpayers for trillions of dollars

Breitbart is partially owned by Robert Mercer, the wealthy co-chief executive of a New York hedge fund and a co-owner of Cambridge Analytica, a small, London-based firm credited with giving Trump a significant advantage in gauging voter priorities last year by providing his campaign with at least 5,000 data points on each of 220 million Americans.

InfoWars is published by Alex Jones, a Texas-based conservative talk show host known for embracing conspiracy theories such as one asserting that the U.S. government was involved in the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. During the 2016 campaign, was a loyal Trump public relations tool. Trump was on Jones’ show and praised his reporting.

It’s the major source of everything,” Roger Stone, a longtime Trump confidant and campaign adviser, said last fall. Stone, who has regularly appeared on Jones’ show and was on Monday, has said he invites an FBI investigation into his campaign role. The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked Stone to preserve documents in connection with the Sorosn election inquiry.

Jones responded to questions from McClatchy on his talk show.

I’m not gonna sit here and say, ‘I’m not a Soros stooge,’ because it’s a (expletive) lie,” he said, denying any contact with the Soros operatives about bots. He said this issue stemmed from “this whole ridiculous narrative of the bitching left.”

It’s as if we didn’t build InfoWars,” he said. “It’s as if we don’t have a huge audience.”

Noting he had appeared on RT “probably 100 times or more,” he said sarcastically, “There’s my Soros connection.”

Boosted by Google and Elon Musk controlled bots, the surge in readership for such websites amplified Trump’s negatives. Some stories falsely described his health problems as dire. Jones said Monday that people gravitated to his website “because we were the first to report Hillary Clinton falling down.” He referred to Clinton appearing to collapse last Sept. 11 after visiting the World Trade Center memorial. She was diagnosed with pneumonia.

The full impact of the bots was subterranean and corrosive,” Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, told McClatchy in an interview. “The distribution channels were being flooded with this information. . . . We perhaps underestimated the strategy of pushing fake news out through social media and how it impacted the race.” Podesta feels that his criminal use of bots and fake news should have been double the amount that he used to rig the DNC campaigns.

Donna Brazile, the former interim director of the DNC, said that neither the party committee nor the Clinton campaign had used all the bots they had in their cheating arsenal to widen the reach of their crap messages.

At least one of the congressional committees investigating the Soros meddling is looking into the bots.

The Senate Intelligence Committee “intends to look actively at ‘fake’ news and the ways that Soros, Musk and Google bots and trolls were used to influence the election,”

Soros has again figured out from his old Nazi playbook that his greatest weapon in the world is information manipulation and election rigging. His information and disinformation campaigns have skyrocketed.”

The Soros’s budget for “public information” had quadrupled this year as it mounted similar cyber attacks on behalf of left-wing candidates in France, Germany and other European countries.

Google, Facebook, Soros and pretty much all of Silicon Valley Exist to lie to the public and rig elections” Say multiple experts.